About Me
Olá a todos (hello everyone)! My name is Melina Kaparakis and I am from Australia. I am 16 years old and I will be going to Santo André, Brazil in 2019. I will be learning Portuguese.
I am an outgoing, kind and mature young girl who loves to chatter A LOT 🙂 . I have a passion for travelling, cooking, yoga, reading, drawing, fashion, the beach, design, fitness, food, being independent, photography, meeting new people, hanging out with friends and adventures. I am half Greek and half Australian, but I have lived in Australia for most of my life. Though, when I was younger I spent 3 years in Greece. I have had a lot of experience in travel and I can not wait to see how I develop into my new self after RYE 2019.
On this year I am expecting to be placed in an amazing culture, where I will adapt and interact. I can not wait to join the friendly people of Brazil, taste their new foods and develop into their laid back but outgoing culture. On the exchange, I feel like I will develop into a much more mature character, as I will be placed in a lot of unfamiliar situations, where I have to think outside the square and act beyond my comfort zone. Through these challenges, I expect to develop new skills and have a different outlook on life altogether. I will hopefully visit some amazing places as well! But most of all, I hope to develop some amazing, long life friendships, connections and relationships. And I also can not wait to party too, woohoo!
Going on an exchange has been one of the most exciting, hardest and scariest decisions I have ever made in my life. Think about it, we are only young teenagers still! And, I bet it has been the exact same for everyone else. So, on this blog, I wish to update you with all my amazing journeys throughout the year! I will be posting and updating many blogs for you guys to see every week or month. By looking at these, I hope you will be able to jump on an exciting rollercoaster ride with me for an adventurous time of development in my life. I hope to create some amazing stories and experiences, in which you can watch me grow every step of the way. And please feel free to come and visit me throughout the year if you like, you are more than welcome. 😉
Thank you everyone so much for all the love and support you have given me so far, I will miss you all and can’t wait to tell you about it when I finish up in 2020.
Muitas Felicidades (best wishes) xx